Wednesday 17 July 2013

14 Worst Health Mistakes Even Smart Women Make

Health Mistakes Smart Women Make

Even women who know a lot about staying healthy tend to make these mistakes. Find out if you're among them.
You're supposed to watch saturated fat and eat lots of vegetables—that's why you usually pick up a salad for lunch and dinner (even when the kids get burgers). But you're not obsessed with the scale like some women you know. You brush your teeth twice a day, and you last flossed, oh, maybe 2 weeks ago. You exercise but avoid lifting so you don't bulk up. The tummy pains you got last week? Must have been gas—nothing serious. And hey, you'd like to get 8 hours of sleep, but the days are short, and it's hard to get everything done. Sound familiar?
Here, experts share the surprising things you're doing wrong—and how to recover.

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