Monday 22 June 2015


How you feel physically and emotionally during pregnancy depends to a large extent on what you eat. The health of your baby is directly affected by your food intake during pregnancy. Extra care needs to be taken to see to it that all the required nutrients are being taken in during pregnancy so that you and your baby
remain healthy.
One of the ways to get some of the nutrition needed during pregnancy and beyond is Spinach…
The importance of spinach in a pregnant women’s diet can’t be overstated! We all know how important folic acid is for the developing fetus and spinach is an excellent source of that. Spinach is also rich in beta carotene which is converted by the body for needed for Vitamin A.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for your developing fetus. It is needed for the growth and development of the kidneys, eyes, lungs, heart, bones, the circulatory and respiratory system, and the central nervous system.
Vitamin A is particularly important for women who are close to giving birth; because it can help the body heal with postpartum tissue repair.
Vitamin A is still needed after birth while breastfeeding -Spinach has been found to be an excellent source of nutrition for lactating or nursing mothers and helps in improving the quality of the milk. It is recommended for pregnant women to increase their intake of Vitamin A by almost half at 40% and a 90% increase for breastfeeding Moms.
Folic Acid
Adequate amounts of folic acid as necessary from the moment you decide you want to get pregnant, all through pregnancy, and right into breastfeeding your baby. One study found that women who took folic acid for a least a year before getting pregnant cut their chances of delivering early by more than 50% or more. There is also an increase in low birth weight and as well as a increased risk of miscarriage if you don’t get the folic acid your body needs.
Another report found that women who took folic acid during the second trimester had a reduced risk of pregnancy-induced high blood pressure – a serious condition known as preeclampsia.
Folic acid while pregnant can help prevent serious birth defects such as spina bifida, cleft lip, and cleft palate.
Another concern from you not getting enough folic acid is -anemia, megloblastic, insufficient absorption of food by the small intestine, decrease in weight, shortness of breath, and tiredness.

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