Friday 19 June 2015

Diet doctor: Lose most weight with least effort

Eat smaller mealsThis simple food-timing trick sends messages to your brain to release fat stores. If you haven’t eaten anything for 2 to 3 hours, it’s time to eat again. Ideally, choose some protein and non-starchy vegetables to get the best results. Some great options include: soaked almonds (soak for eight hours or overnight, then drain), celery sticks with almond or hemp seed butter, and apple slices with avocado or almond butter.

Switch to coconut oil
It’s a great substitute for butter, margarine, and most cooking oils. It also has more health benefits and stimulates the thyroid while lowering cholesterol levels.

Eliminate the Candida albicans yeast in your intestines
Yeast overgrowth is linked to an average weight gain. Shocking but true! And the incidence of candidiasis—the condition of Candida overgrowth—is surprisingly common. Getting to the bottom of this infection can help you lose weight. Candidiasis is linked to weight gain in several ways.

The best way to eliminate a candida infection is to: cut out sugars (even natural ones and fruit) at least for a few weeks to a month. Add a probiotic supplement to restore healthy bacterial balance. Use herbs like artemisia, burdock root, and garlic . Snack on fresh pumpkin seeds, cooked with coconut oil, and try to eat at least one clove of fresh garlic daily.

Resistance training
Just adding 15 to 20 minutes of resistance training like lifting weights results in a 73 percent increase in fat burning for hours after you finish, according to research at the University of Nevada. Even lifting small weights or canned goods helps you to get this impressive result and develop great muscle tone, which in turn burns fat.

Snack on almonds
According to research, almonds to increase weight loss by 64 percent and target belly fat. Overweight participants who snacked on 70 almonds daily had a 14 percent waistline reduction.

Drink green tea
Study after study proves that drinking green tea dramatically reduces weight thanks to the phytonutrient or EGCG, which has been proven in multiple studies to increase the rate at which fat is burned in the body. Research at Tufts University indicates that EGCG in green tea, like other catechins, activates fat-burning genes in the abdomen to speed weight loss by 77 percent. Drink at least three cups daily for weight loss.

Shrink fat cells with chromium
Research at the University of Texas found that supplementing with the mineral chromium daily can double fat loss, without losing muscle.
Take carnitine to burn fat fast

Carnitine is a powerful nutrient that transports fat to your cells’ incinerators to be burnt as fuel. In a study of people who ate healthy, exercised moderately and supplemented with 2 grams of carnitine daily, those who supplemented with carnitine lost an average of 11 pounds, while the placebo group lost only 1 pound in 12 weeks. Best results are obtained with 2000 mg or 2 grams daily on an empty stomach, ideally before breakfast.

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