Wednesday 20 May 2015

Natural cures for the common cold

Colds are caused by a virus, and unfortunately, can't be treated with antibiotics. Fortunately, there are other ways to treat your symptoms

When you have a bad cold, going through packages of lozenges and boxes of tissues may still leave you feeling defenceless. But Dr Oz has some secret weapons for your
arsenal. Learn simple, natural ways to attack and finally beat the common cold.

Having a cold blankets your entire day under a heavy coat of misery. Colds are caused by virus, and unfortunately, can’t be treated with antibiotics. Fortunately, there are other ways to treat your symptoms. Pick up these natural cures and knock out your cold. 

Saline nasal spray for nasal congestion
Saline nasal spray combats stuffiness and congestion by adding moisture to your nasal passages. It also removes bacteria from your nose. Unlike decongestants, saline drops won't cause a rebound effect, where all the symptoms return as soon as you stop using it – its benefits will keep your nose (and head) refreshingly clear.  

Licorice tea for a sore throat
Hot liquids always provide relief for sore throats, but this tea contains therapeutic compounds that soothe soreness. It also helps to prevent dehydration. 

Sage extract to get rid of a cough
Sage extract works as an expectorant, which helps your body move mucus from your respiratory tract and helps to calm your cough. As a good alternative to an over-the-counter expectorant, try a drop of sage in tea or hot water.  

Elderberry juice to boost your immunity
Elderberry is an herb used to fight colds. It contains vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system

 Article printed with permission from The Dr Oz Show

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