Sunday 3 May 2015

Very Important Tips for New Parents

Be realistic

Louise McKinney
Louise McKinney thinks it's important to be realistic about how life changing children can be

1. When pregnant and you hear yourself say "this baby is going
to fit in to our life and we'll carry on as normal". Don't believe a word of it. Louise McKinney, Kenilworth, Warwickshire     
2. Your life for the next two years will feel similar to a constant hangover. Don't worry, go with it, even try to enjoy it - it will get better. Don't listen to the advice gurus that use the principles of puppy training... the ones where you have to open the nursery curtains at 8.23am every day. Respond to your baby's needs when required and give them all the love you can manage through your constant hangover. Social life? Forget it. Gilly Beddows, Manchester

Samantha Browne and her daughter Abby
Samantha Browne, with Abby, 3, says "don't sweat the small stuff"

3. Firstly and most importantly, give up all your cherished ideals. Such as believing that your child will never eat and watch TV; your children will never be given anything (bribed) to keep them quiet; you will always have time for your child and never fob them off; you will never compare them with other children; you will never be competitive about them; you will never wonder what it would have been like to remain childless; that all you want is for them to be happy; you will never wish you could have a minimalist, neat, tidy house; you will never resent having to always get up early because you can't sleep with the squabbling, the toys banging or the singing. Once you've done this you will learn to love your kids for who they really are and enjoy them and realise that they really are one of the best things that happened to you. And when you are in your sixties and they ring you up for a chat, and you go out for a meal with them and they patiently listen to you reminisce on how you brought them up you don't regret one minute of it all. Peter Marks, Chesterfield
4. I have a three-year-old tornado and after pulling my hair out trying to keep my house, toddler and myself perfect, my friend gave me great advice. Don't sweat the small stuff. As long as both you and your little ones are in clean-ish clothes (seriously unless they have covered head to toe in spaghetti sauce, a little ice lolly juice on their front is no worries), they are fed (always keep snacks on hand - fruit, jelly, yogurt, cheese), happy and healthy you are doing great as a parent. Samantha Browne, Las Vegas, US
5. There are only two things any new parent needs to know: a) it's fine to make mistakes as your child will be OK, b) buy a tumble dryer. James Parry, London, UK

Ben with three of his four children

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