Wednesday 13 May 2015

Short-sightedness link to more education...Find out why

Higher levels of education and more screen time are contributing to higher rates of short-sightedness in Europe, a study has found.
Researchers led by King's College London looked at 15 studies by the European Eye Epidemiology Consortium – which looks into common eye diseases among adults – and found that around a quarter of the European population is short-sighted.

However, short-sightedness is nearly twice as common among younger people, with 47.2% of those aged between 25 and 29 affected. This compares with 27.5% of middle-aged and older people.
The authors of the study, published in the journal Ophthalmology, say rising levels of education, time spent looking at screens and a reduction in the amount of timechildren spend outdoors may be responsible.


Short-sightedness, or myopia, is a condition where distant objects appear blurred but near objects are seen clearly.
It is caused when light from distant objects is focused in front of the light-sensitive tissue (the retina) at the back of the eye, usually because the eye has grown too long from front to back.

Books and computers

The latest research, looking at studies covering 61,946 people, found that short-sightedness levels in those completing higher education were approximately double those in people educated to only primary school level.
Researchers suggest that factors relating to the nature of modern education such as more time devoted to studying and working with computers and less time spent outside may help to explain the correlation between short-sightedness and education levels.
However, while younger generations tend to have spent more time in education, this did not fully explain why short-sightedness is becoming more common. A number of factors increase the risk of being short-sighted, including a family history of myopia, while other modern lifestyle factors may also help to explain the trends identified in this study, the authors say.

'Implications for the future of eye disease'

Lead author Katie Williams, from the Department of Ophthalmology at King’s College London, says in a statement: "We knew myopia was becoming more common in certain parts of the world – almost 8 in 10 young people are affected in urban East Asia – but it is very interesting to find that the same pattern is being seen here in Europe. This has major implications for the future burden from this eye disease which can threaten sight in older age, particularly in very short-sighted people."
In a statement, senior author Professor Chris Hammond, also from King's College London, adds: "We do not fully understand the reasons for this shift, given that this study shows the rising levels of education are not solely to blame.
"More research is required to see if changing trends in childhood outdoor exposure, reading, and educational practices are affecting myopia development.
"While this study was on adults, we do not yet know the impact of the recent rapid rise in use of computers, tablets and mobile phones on visual development in children."
The NHS says that research has shown that children who spend time doing outdoor activities, such as playing sports, are less likely to become short-sighted and existing short-sightedness may progress less quickly.
It says current thinking is that the protective effect of spending time outside could be associated with the higher light levels as well as the fact that you are not constantly focusing on near objects.

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